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Starts 2024

iboardings.com - Soluciones para Aerolíneas
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As 2024 starts, it’s time to establish personal and business goals and resolutions.

Firstly, we are extremely happy to move to a new location that will be ready in a couple of months.  A lot has happened since we started in our first office and we received Amadeus’s visit at the end of 2017. Do you remember Suzanna Chiu and Stephan Hirmer

Now we have rented an old car dealership for this new stage that will help us to grow for the years to come.

We are also launching the iboardings Future Lab focusing on R&D in the travel tech sector. The lab will be our arm to develop solutions that target identified gaps. We address aviation challenges with commercially viable solutions and services because iboardings is all about making life easier for passengers and people who work in Aviation.

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